What is No 1 thing Donald Trump will do if he becomes president?

What is No 1 thing Donald Trump will do if he becomes president?

Former president Donald Trump finds his first advance as President of the United States. — Reuters

Republican candidate Donald Trump has detectable his “first” and “number 1” choice as US president if he received the November election and it isn’t about bringing costs of commodities unwell.

Donald Trump is all eager to stand President Joe Biden for his or her reelection bid amid criminal troubles and disparity in marketing campaign cash. 

Trump has been crucial of the 81-year-old Biden’s insurance policies on immigration and has been accusing him of blockading his method to the White through the usage of the Justice Branch.

Pace talking with the Untouched York Submit, the 77-year-old businessman stated: “Day 1, my Act 1 will be to close that border.”

The previous president stated: “I know exactly what to do. I’ll tell you the very first thing I’m definitely going to do. It’s No. 1 on my mind. And that’s immediately, instantly, I’m back in the White House. No waiting. My prime thing, my absolute first directive will be to help the American people.”

“That’s what I care about,” he said.

The Republican also said that his next measure would be to “get the costs unwell.”

The four-time indicted has been very vocal about closing the border and halting the influx of people.

In March, Trump claimed that foreign leaders are sending the “criminals” to the US, calling the immigrants “animals”, in a rally near Dayton, Ohio.

The former president also reiterated how immigrants are behind the surge in crime, but the stats by the journal Criminology, revealed how undocumented immigrants are generally linked with a decrease in criminal activity, reported Huff Post.

He also told Fox News last month: “The entirety I’ve stated has been proper… Now we have thousands and thousands of community getting into our nation that shouldn’t be right here.” 

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